I have BF4 for the xbox 360, and was thinking about getting it/trading it in for the xbox1 version. Does the premium membership transfer between the consoles, and will my stats reset?
1 Answer
According to the battlefield.com upgrade offer, Premium membership is transferable and you can transfer your stats as well:
When I upgrade platforms, will my stats transfer with me?
Yes! You will be able to bring your multiplayer progress with you – your rank, score, K/D ratio, wins, time played, service stars, dog tags taken, vehicles destroyed, repairs, revives, squad score, accuracy, and more will transfer from Xbox 360 to Xbox One and PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4.
Does my Battlefield 4 Premium membership carry over?
Battlefield 4 Premium membership from Xbox 360 to Xbox One has been extended and is valid until further notice. The membership transfer from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 owners also remains valid until further notice.
The stats transfer appears to be a one-time transfer, though:
Do you know if I will be able to play with my old XBL friends on the Xbox One using this method? Commented Apr 6, 2016 at 5:25