While I don't exactly loathe the censorship called "low violence version" for some games steam sells (e.g. Fallout 3)
I do detest being forced to play games in a language different than the original one, which is usually English - especially since I often experience terrible mistranslations and not-so-great German speakers.
Portal, like most Valve games, I think, allows to set the language via properties -> language.
However, I recently bought Bioshock misreading the "only" in that shop message as "the German version is censored" and not as "this version is German only" since I don't have any language option. I already set Steam itself to English on installation, but to no avail.
Is it possible to play games in a language not made available via Steam?
Obviously I'm asking for legal ways and don't want to accidentally get a ban instead of a better speech...