I need help with a command that I am trying to make in a game inside of minecraft. It is a custom generated sign (using a sign generator) that allows players to upgrade their weapons (and armor).
The command is the following:
/give @p sign 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Text1:"{\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/execute @p[score_wins=24] ~ ~ ~ /tellraw @p [\\"\\",{\\"text\\":\\"[MF2] \\",\\"color\\":\\"gold\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"[SHOP] \\",\\"color\\":\\"yellow\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"You do not have enough wins to upgrade your sword.\\",\\"color\\":\\"none\\"}]\"}}",Text2:"{\"text\":\"Upgrade Sword\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/execute @p[score_wins_min=25] ~ ~ ~ /tellraw @p [\\"\\",{\\"text\\":\\"[MF2] \\",\\"color\\":\\"gold\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"[SHOP] \\",\\"color\\":\\"yellow\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"Sword upgraded!\\",\\"color\\":\\"none\\"}]\"}}",Text3:"{\"text\":\"$25\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/execute @p[score_wins_min=25] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @p sword 1\"}}",Text4:"{\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/execute @p[score_wins_min=25] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players remove @p wins 25\"}}"},display:{Name:"Custom Sign"}}
The first line of the sign is empty, and the click-event runs an execute command that tells the player that they do not have enough wins to upgrade using a tellraw statement.
The second line of the sign says "Upgrade Sword", and the click-event runs an execute command that tells the player that they have enough wins and their sword has been upgraded using a tellraw statement.
The third line of the sign says "$25" (which is the amount of wins to upgrade), and the click-event runs an execute command that increments the "sword" scoreboard for the player by 1.
The fourth line of the sign is empty, and the click-event runs an execute command that subtracts 25 wins from the player using the "wins" scoreboard.
My error is displayed as shown:
Data tag parsing failed: Unexpected token '\' at: \\",{\\"text\\":\\"[MF2] \\",\\"color\\":\\"gold\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"[SHOP] \\",\\"color\\":\\"yellow\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"You do not have enough wins to upgrade your sword.\\",\\"color\\":\\"none\\"}]\"}}",Text2:"{\"text\":\"Upgrade Sword\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/execute @p[score_wins_min=25] ~ ~ ~ /tellraw @p [\\"\\",{\\"text\\":\\"[MF2] \\",\\"color\\":\\"gold\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"[SHOP] \\",\\"color\\":\\"yellow\\"},{\\"text\\":\\"Sword upgraded!\\",\\"color\\":\\"none\\"}]\"}}",Text3:"{\"text\":\"$25\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/execute @p[score_wins_min=25] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players add @p sword 1\"}}",Text4:"{\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/execute @p[score_wins_min=25] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players remove @p wins 25\"}}"
I have a similar command creating a custom sign again and the problem seems to be the tellraw commands. You can find my other question here.
I have tried using the answer from my other question to fix this command but I have just gotten completely lost. If anyone could help or explain to me how to use this properly (because I will also need to do this for other items), that would be fantastic.