I'm in this sweet alliance with two other empires minding my own business when one of my teammates wants to declare war on a puny neighbor, me and the other ally are down with it and agree.
I quickly send in a huge fleet and start bombarding a planet, I take down its defenses and send in a ground army to mop up their defending army. After taking them down I get this sweet victory screen saying I am successfully occupying the planet. My assumption was that it was going to be like Civ 5 and ask me to choose what to do with it, such as kill off the people in it or take it over as my own planet and make it a part of my empire; no such luck, instead it seems like I can do nothing with it, and it remains under control of its owner, sort of.
My armies are chilling on the planet, I am able to remove them, but should I? When I go to the grid screen it says nothing can be done and nothing is being produced because of the occupation.
This is a one player game, all the other empires are ai controlled. I did not start the war, instead I got an alert asking to vote whether to go to war or not.
What do I do now? Do I just ignore it and continue on with my war? Should I remove my armies? Do I ever get the planet?
What do I do with occupied planets?