Im using command blocks to give players custom armor, and I ran into a slight problem. All the armor (except the boots) are not actually giving bars of armor in survival mode and will not actually act as protection. Here is the command for the boots:
/give @p chainmail_boots 1 0 {display:{Name:"Archer Boots",Lore:["You feel somewhat lighter,and resistant to ranged damage"]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:2},{id:2,lvl:2},{id:4,lvl:2}],Unbreakable:1}
Which as I said do provide armor bars/protection in survival, however the following command is to summon my helmet:
/give @p chainmail_helmet 1 0 {display:{Name:"Archer Helmet",Lore:["You feel somewhat faster, and resistant to ranged damage"]},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.movementSpeed",Name:"generic.movementSpeed",Amount:0.10,Operation:0,UUIDMost:24682,UUIDLeast:195471}],ench:[{id:0,lvl:2},{id:4,lvl:2}],Unbreakable:1}
And that helmet does not provide any protection when worn. Am I missing something?