I read that Lucky Egg gives you double XP for 30 mins. I just want to know if it's possible to activate 2 Lucky Eggs at the same time. If yes, what is its effect? Do you gain x4 XP or waste the second one?
1 Answer
No, Lucky eggs (I guess you're talking about these) won't stack. Actually you can't even use a second Lucky egg after using the first, since you'll get the "You've already applied this type of enhancement." message (thanks @jdero for the info)
2This is somewhat misleading. It's impossible to use two Lucky Eggs at the same time. -> "You've already applied this type of enhancement."– jderoCommented Jul 11, 2016 at 20:10
@jdero Thanks for the info, somehow I managed to use two at the same time, probably due to a server glitch. I've updated the answer– KappeiCommented Jul 12, 2016 at 0:23