The animal catalog, I'm not seeing one. You can see what discoveries you've made, in the interstellar map, to access it you have to be in space, and then press M or dpad down.
From the galactic map you can then scan for discoveries, which will list systems you've already discovered, however it will not list the animal species on the planets in those systems.
Also, be aware there are some issues with the galactic scan, as documented in this answer.
My Suggestion to Hello Games
If I were Sean I'd have all of the uploads be automatically filling out wiki pages. Using a tree structure it could be easily organized. If they included gps cordinates (or however you'd measure location of planets) they could then build a web browser map using the wikiverse platform. Making all discoveries searchable, and easy to navigate. Eventually allowing you to search for a friend and add a waypoint on one of their galaxies.