Steam doesn't care about filename nor creation date. After you upload screenshot there is only "upload date" displayed. Real date is only used in Screenshots
window so you see them ordered properly before upload.
While Sumurai8's answer is complete, some people may have problem with locating proper directory. That's why I wrote script to automate it a bit. It requires Python (you need to install it if you have Windows, other systems should already have it) and VDF Python module.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from time import sleep
import vdf, platform, os, glob, codecs, subprocess, shutil, time, sys
import winreg
except ImportError:
import _winreg as winreg
input = raw_input
except NameError:
def find_default_steam_path():
return {
"Windows": lambda: winreg.QueryValueEx(
"Linux": lambda: os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/Steam"),
"Darwin": lambda: os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Steam")
def get_libraries(path):
libraries = [path]
ignored = ["TimeNextStatsReport", "ContentStatsID"]
for k, v in vdf.parse(open(os.path.join(path, "steamapps", "libraryfolders.vdf")))["LibraryFolders"].items():
if k not in ignored:
return libraries
def get_games_vdfs(libs):
vdfs = []
for lib in libs:
vdfs += glob.glob(os.path.join(lib, "steamapps", "*.acf"))
return vdfs
def get_users(path):
users = []
for k, v in vdf.parse(open(os.path.join(path, "config", "loginusers.vdf")))["users"].items():
users.append([v["PersonaName"], str(int(k)-0x110000100000000)])
return sorted(users, key=lambda x: x[0].lower())
def get_user_data(path, user_id):
return vdf.parse(, "userdata", user_id, "config", "localconfig.vdf"), 'r', 'utf8'))["UserLocalConfigStore"]
def get_games(vdfs):
games = []
for v in vdfs:
game = vdf.parse(open(v))["AppState"]
if all(g[1] != game["appid"] for g in games):
games.append([game["name"], game["appid"]])
return sorted(games, key=lambda x: x[0].lower())
def filter_user_games(games, user_data):
user_games = list(user_data["Licenses"].keys()) + list(user_data["apptickets"].keys())
for game in games:
if game[1] not in user_games:
def get_last_game_index(games, user_data):
last_played = ["", 0]
for game, v in user_data["Software"]["Valve"]["Steam"]["Apps"].items():
lp = int(v["LastPlayed"])
if lp > last_played[1]:
last_played = [game, lp]
for i, game in enumerate(games):
if game[1] == last_played[0]:
return i
steam_path = os.path.normpath(find_default_steam_path())
steam_binary = os.path.join(steam_path, "steam" + (".exe" if platform.system() == "Windows" else ""))
if not os.path.exists(steam_path):
steam_path = input("Enter main Steam directory location: ")
users = get_users(steam_path)
libraries = get_libraries(steam_path)
if len(users) == 1:
user = users[0]
for i, u in enumerate(users):
print(i, u[0], sep = ". ")
user = users[int(input("Choose user: "))]
user_data = get_user_data(steam_path, user[1])
games_vdfs = get_games_vdfs(libraries)
games = get_games(games_vdfs)
filter_user_games(games, user_data)
last_played_index = get_last_game_index(games, user_data)
for i, g in enumerate(games):
print(i, g[0], sep = ". ")
game_choice = input("Choose game or leave empty for last played game (" + games[last_played_index][0] + "): ")
if game_choice == "":
game_choice = last_played_index
game = games[int(game_choice)]
screenshot_info_path = os.path.join(steam_path, "userdata", user[1], "760")
dst_path = os.path.join(screenshot_info_path, "remote", game[1], "screenshots")
screenshot_info_path = os.path.join(screenshot_info_path, "screenshots.vdf")
except OSError:
src_path = input("Enter source directory: ")
if len(src_path) > 1 and src_path[0] in ('"\'') and src_path[-1] == src_path[0]:
src_path = src_path[1:-1]
files_to_move = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_path, "*.[jJ][pP][gG]"))
if len(files_to_move) == 0:
input("No files to move. Press Enter to exit.")
for file in files_to_move:
shutil.move(file, dst_path)
if os.path.exists(screenshot_info_path):
size_old = os.stat(screenshot_info_path)[-4]
size_old = 0
mod_old = -1
subprocess.Popen([steam_binary, "steam://open/screenshots"])
while True:
size_new, _, mod_new = os.stat(screenshot_info_path)[-4:-1]
if size_old != size_new:
size_old = size_new
mod_old = mod_new
elif mod_old > -1 and time.time() - mod_old > 3:
sleep(1)[steam_binary, "-shutdown"])
screenshot_info = vdf.parse(, 'r', 'utf8'))
for k, v in screenshot_info["Screenshots"].items():
for k2, v2 in v.items():
screenshot_info["Screenshots"][k][k2]["vrfilename"] = ""
vdf.dump(screenshot_info,, 'w', 'utf8'))
input("All done! Wait until Steam client closes and press Enter to start it again.")
subprocess.Popen([steam_binary, "steam://open/screenshots"])
How to use?
- Save it for example as
- On Linux and Mac make it executable
- Close Steam
Run script
- If script can't find Steam installation dir, it will ask you for one
- If more than one user logged in to Steam on this computer, script will ask you to choose your account
- You will be asked to choose a game
- You will be asked to choose a path to your screenshots
- Script will now move all
files from path you entered in previous step to correct directory, start Steam so it imports screenshots, close Steam, edit screenshots.vdf
file and wait for you to press Enter
to run Steam again.
If you still have any problem uploading screenshots, delete Steam/userdata/<your ID>/760/screenshots.vdf
file and try again. I just uploaded 283 files this way.
Sidenote: There are several default locations of Steam on Linux machines depending on how you install it. I don't know them, so if you want to share one or you know how to find it with Python, let me know in comment.
tag. I believe this tag is essential to ArQAde.screenshot
. Let's get straight to the topic.