5 days ago I became a member of a level 10 gym which had 52,000
prestige. The prestige remained at 52,000
until 2 days ago when it fell to exactly 50,000
(still 10 pokemon. ok). Last night, the prestige fell to exactly 49,500
(now with 9 pokemon. ok).
That each degradation happened in units of 500
surely means pokemon are getting kicked-out, but why? Is it the passage of time that is kicking out pokemon automatically?
note (1):
During the 5 minutes it took to write this, gym prestige fell to exactly 49,000
, BUT there are still 9 pokemon! What the heck? How did the gym lose 500
but not lose a pokemon?
note (final):
20-min has just passed, and now I see fighting at the gym. My gym mates are counter-attacking and have pushed prestige back up to 48,978
. So, the "attack" was in units of 500
and the counter-attack was in units of 1
. In essence, that is my question.