I've tried googling, and I got some people saying "put a helmet on them", but for me, it doesn't work. The helmet doesn't appear. This might have something to do with how the new Minecraft scripting NBT thing works?

The command is something along the lines of:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:minecraft:stone_button}]}
  • What's the command you're using to put a helmet on them?
    – SirBenet
    Commented Oct 28, 2016 at 10:12
  • @colorfusion something along the lines of /summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:minecraft:stone_button}]}
    – tufda
    Commented Oct 28, 2016 at 11:35

2 Answers 2


The problems with your command are:

  1. In versions 1.9 and above, Equipment should be ArmorItems
  2. The head slot is the 4th ArmorItems slot, rather than the 5th

The fixed command should be:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:minecraft:stone_button}]}
  • Also be aware that in 1.11, all item data must include a Count tag with a value higher than 0.
    – Skylinerw
    Commented Oct 28, 2016 at 11:53

here's the command:

/summon Zombie 

then after that, use this command:

/replaceitem entity @e[type=zombie] slot.armor.head minecraft:glass

tell me if there is any problems

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