I have an X PS Vita. X is on firmware 3.61. It has a card. The card contains - say - a digital game purchased on the PlayStation Store, legally.
Now, let's say I have a Y PS Vita (or PSTV, it doesn't change much) on firmware 3.60.
Both the devices are activated with the same PSN Account, even if the latter doesn't have access to PSN anymore due to Sony's restrictions.
What will happen if I remove the Card from X and put it in Y?
- Y will recognise the card and games will be playable without any problems. Win!
- Y will recognise the card but will fail in launching the games due to the license not being verified or whatever. I will be prompted to update. Fail.
Y will ask me to erase the card before being able to newly use it. Fail.
Something else will happen...