In Minecraft, I have a world that I am making a mini game in, and I have an Iron Golem that's always teleporting to a horse. I want the player of the mini-game to be able to ride the horse and have the looks of the Iron Golem, but the Iron Golem won't allow the horse to get damaged or for the player to get on the horse.
The commands I have used are:
/summon minecraft:horse ~ ~1 ~ {Variant:0,CustomName:testhorse,CustomNameVisible:1,PersistenceRequired:0b,Glowing:1,CanPickUpLoot:0b,Health:600,Fire:0,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.movementSpeed",Base:0.1f},{Name:"horse.jumpStrength",Base:0f}],Tame:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}]}
To spawn the horse.
/summon minecraft:villager_golem ~ ~1 ~ {NoAI:1b,PersistenceRequired:0b,LeftHanded:0,Invulnerable:1}
To spawn the Iron Golem.
/tp @e[type=Villager_Golem] @e[type=horse]
To teleport the golem to the horse