The Reflect Blow perk gives you a 10% chance of reflecting melee damage. I'd like to know the mechanics of it.
Assume an opponent reflects my blow. I'd expect it to work as follows.
I sneak attack with a 400 damage weapon, gaining x3 damage, for a total of 1200 physical damage. The weapon is enchanted with 100 frost damage, which is not multiplied.
My enemy has 50% physical damage reduction. This reduces the physical damage to 600. I am on legendary difficulty, so he takes 0.25x damage, or 150 damage. Now, he has no frost resistance, so he takes 25 frost damage.
This damage is reflected back to me. However, I have 80% physical damage reduction and 80% magic resistance. So the reflected damage is reduced to 30 physical damage and 5 frost damage. However, I take 3x damage because of legendary difficulty, and thus I take 90 physical damage and 15 frost damage.
Is this an accurate description of how reflected damage works? Are there some modifiers which are not considered?