Through this forum I found out that you can make uplay start a game with the following command. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\Uplay.exe" "uplay://launch/410/0" This specific command wil launch Rayman Legends.

My guess is that the game ID for Rayman Legends is 410 and so this command should also work for other Uplay games. Is there a way to easily find out the uplay game ID's?


I am working on a system which can creates a game library of all games I own on steam, uplay, origin and battle.net (in the future I might want to add the windows store games). The library then starts the games using a commands. Here are some examples:

Uplay: (Explaned by @Experimental_Rocket)

"Uplay.exe" "uplay://launch/410/0"


steam.exe -applaunch 280

I want to create this method instead of just creating shortcuts to installed games so that my library can include games that aren't installed. Do battle.net and origin have a similar system or might there be other ways to implement this?

  • 2
    If it works the same way as steam, creating a shortcut on your desktop, you can open its properties and the rungameid should be found there. At least thats how it works on steam, redirecting you.
    – Reflexive
    Commented Mar 1, 2017 at 13:03
  • 1
    For example the steam run game id is steam://rungameid/304930 so I would assume its 304930. I got that from properties.
    – Reflexive
    Commented Mar 1, 2017 at 13:05
  • 1
    No, because i'm looking for the steamdb.info equivalent of UPlay. Since not all UPlay games are on steam this method does not solve my specific problem. Commented Mar 1, 2017 at 14:34
  • 1
    For battle.net you can usebattlenet://xyz where xyz stands for the short name of the game (wow, d3, wtcg, sc2,...) and for Origin it's origin://launchgame/xyz
    – dly
    Commented Mar 2, 2017 at 14:04
  • 1
    @dly thanks so much. Thanks to your comment I was able to figure out all my origin games. I found battlefield 3's game id on the reddit page you sent. I used google chromes inspect element to find this game id in the origin page of battlefield 3. This showed me the id appears in a HTML attribute called offerid. This way I found the game ID's for al my origin games. I also tested the ID's using your command origin://launchgame/{ID} Commented Mar 2, 2017 at 20:12

3 Answers 3


Steam (just in case)

You can enable "Display Steam URL address bar when available" on Steam > Settings > Interface:

Steam Parameters

After that you will be able to see the game ID on the store page (in this case, 236870):

Hitman's Store Page


If you have a game shortcut on your desktop or start menu, this will contain the uPlay Game ID on the "uplay://launch/ID/0" format (in this case 54).

AC3 id

Also you can search the game ID on Alex or Haoose GitHub repositories.


Origin have game ID's, but most of the time they are not used. You can still launch the game that you want with origin://launchgame/ID.

To get your game ID, head down to C:\ProgramData\Origin\LocalContent and search for a folder called like your game:

NFS:MW 2012 Folder

Open it up and there should be 3 files that start either with "DR" or "OBF-EAST":

OFB-46851 for NFS:MW 2012

Just add : between the last word and the numbers, that is your game ID (OFB-EAST:46851). Now just use that to launch your game:


You can still launch the game from the main executable for certain games:

Origin Shortcut

Just to make sure add the path of the Origin executable at the end (useful for launching the game via Steam):

"E:\Origin\Need for Speed(TM) Most Wanted\NFS13.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin\Origin.exe"


The Blizzard App also does not use ID's, but you can launch them via network protocols (recommended):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net.exe" battlenet://GAME

If the app is running, you could just do:


You need to set up the game that you want to launch on the URL:

World of Warcraft: WoW
Diablo III: D3
Starcraft II: SC2
Hearthstone: WTCG
Heroes of the Storm: Hero
Overwatch: Pro
Starcraft Remastered: S1
Destiny 2: DST2
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: VIPR

They also can be launched via the "GameName Launcher.exe" file (for example, "Overwatch Launcher.exe") but that would require pressing play on Battle.net:

Overwatch Shortcut

  • 1
    If you want the uplay ID without downloading the whole game, start the installation until the download starts, you can stop immediately. Then go to the games' installation directory, there should be a uplay_download directory inside it. Inside that will be another directory with the game's ID as name. So assuming the default installation path for AC Unity: C:/Program Files (x86)/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/games/Assassin's Creed Unity/uplay_download/720, where the 720 is the game's ID.
    – Tarulia
    Commented Apr 18, 2019 at 21:34

Other method for origin

Open to " installerdata.xml " in your game

"G:\Origin Games\Need for Speed(TM) Most Wanted\ __Installer"

for me

and look contentIDs

71628 71530 71744 71726 71743 71725 71742 71724

For launch game



For anyone looking to find Uplay IDs of installed games. I have created a gist here : uPlay IDs

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