I want to make a command executing a tripwire hook when it is thrown in the ground you summon a lighting bolt but it seems you can't add NBT tags in an execute command so how to specify the item I want
2 Answers
you cannot do it using execute only you must use scoreboard as in the following:
/scoreboard players set @e[type=item] Lightning 1 {Item:{id:"minecraft:tripwire_hook",Damage:0s,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"Lightninger",Lore:[]}}}}
/execute @e[score_Lightning_min=1] ~ ~ ~ summon Lightning_Bolt
(This answer is obsolete as of the Minecraft 1.20.5 update)
Minecraft 1.13 merged NBT tags into the selector syntax, making this easy:
/execute as @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:tripwire_hook",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"\"Lightninger\"",Lore:[]}}}] run summon lightning_bolt