For Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, I'm considering getting a Wii instead of N64, so that the graphics will be better. I'm not currently interested in Wii U or 3DS. Leary of GameCube.
However, before buying the setup; I'm concerned about whether Rumble feature will be present. I read that the Wii's Classic Controller has no rumble pack.
The GameCube controller does have rumble, but is it compatible with OOT on the Wii? I also read some reference to which 'version' of OOT you get. (e.g. Virtual Console or some master/collector's edition; maybe a GC disc - not sure)
Alternatively, maybe there's a way to get the original N64 controller on Wii?
How can I be sure that rumble will work with the Wii,
or am I better off getting the original N64? (with inferior graphics)