I want to know how much damage it takes to destroy metal foundation steps for metal pick, beancan and satchel.

1 Answer 1


Though calculated for walls, they do take the same damage . the health for metal (i presume you meant sheet metal) is 750 health

Satchel takes 13 satchel to destroy 750/13 = just under 58 (57,6)

beancan takes 63 beancan to destroy 750/63 = just under 12 (11,9)

pickaxe 1500/20 is 75 pickaxes does 0,5 damage 750/0,5 = 1500 swings

(can't find the durability loss per hit so no accurate number) but should be roughly 1500 swing (lets say durability starts at 100 according to wiki it can be anything from 1/5 durability loss per swing. since you are hitting metal. so if 5 means 20 hits per pickaxe.


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