I was wondering how much gold would Zed get if he farms every minion in mid-lane for 10 minutes and without dying or killing any champion? (Includes the free gold income)I would just like to know the approximate gold count.
1 Answer
starting gold: 500
Minions: 20(per minion)*101(total in 10 mins) + 5*20(cannon bonus)
idle gold: 20.4(per 10s) * 6(10*6 = minute) * 8(10-2 total duration)
total: 3600
sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/451dpw/perfect_cs_chart_updated_for_season_6/
1Can you please tell me what do the numbers refer to? Commented Jul 30, 2017 at 10:40