At first I assumed, after Tarim is played all other minions would be 3/3 s. But I am pretty sure my murlocs broke that rule, because they could still buff each other.
So, does Tarim only alter the base stats? Does a buffed minion remain buffed?
At first I assumed, after Tarim is played all other minions would be 3/3 s. But I am pretty sure my murlocs broke that rule, because they could still buff each other.
So, does Tarim only alter the base stats? Does a buffed minion remain buffed?
Any minion that provides a constant aura buff to other minions, like Murloc Warleader or Stormwind Champion, will still add its aura after stat changes have occurred. Thus, any stat changes, such as humility, Following the Rules, etc, will only reduce to one after the aura giver dies.