I often tried to play with attack jets in BF4 multiplayer but failed miserably. To make clear which kind of planes I mean, the attack jets for each faction are: A10 (US), Frogfoot (RU) and Fantan (CN).
What makes it so difficult is that the initial secondary of those planes are air-to-surface rockets that must lock on AND the player must hold the aim to the locked-on target after firing. The zoom of this weapon makes it even more unbearable. When I lower the thrust for having a little better chance for a successful rocket hit, I get killed by Anti-Air because I fly too slow for evasion. Sometimes the smoke/flares can save me from a Stinger/Igla but the cannons of the AA tanks tear me apart.
My question: How do I have to maneuver my attack jet on the PC for playing successfully?
The only guides I have found so far are for the consoles but I have no joystick or controller at my disposal, only mouse and keyboard.