One of the traits in Surviving Mars is Vegan. The description just says "don't worry, they'll tell you."

All of the food in the game seems to be plant-based so what, if anything, does Veganism do?

  • Well, there is one breakthrough tech that give you access to some king of non-plant food, but I don't think that the game makes the difference. I believe that this trait is just for fun.
    – Alien-47
    Mar 20, 2018 at 19:49
  • @Alien-47 "Some kind of" describes it well. Want to post your comment as an answer? Mar 21, 2018 at 10:05
  • I didn't give you any reliable information, so I don't think my comment has the quality of a proper answer)
    – Alien-47
    Mar 22, 2018 at 11:47

3 Answers 3


According to the wiki:

Has decreased Comfort when living near a Ranch and won't work in such buildings.
Has increased Comfort when away from Ranches.
Farm in the Dome +2 Comfort every Sol.
Ranch in the Dome -2 Comfort every Sol.

Source: https://survivingmars.paradoxwikis.com/Colonists

There is also an achievement called Dream of a Green Mars that you get if your colony reaches 200 Vegans.

  • This answer is correct for the current version of the game. I believe the other answers on this question were written before these effects were in the game.
    – ken.ganong
    Dec 31, 2019 at 14:44

The Project Laika DLC brought ranches and animals into the mix. Vegans now take a comfort penalty if there is a ranch in their dome.


Gameplay wise: No, they don't.

However: There is an achievment -> Dream of a Green Mars -> Have 200 vegans in your colony.

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