I found my original floppy disk for 1990’s Die Hard (among other stuff), and in a fit of nostalgia I decided to create an image and give DOSBox a shot.

Die Hard floppy disk

However, I’ve long lost the box and manual. The controls aren’t quite intuitive, and while some digging has shown, for example, that “S” is for searching; I can’t yet find how to stop aiming my gun.

Plus, rumor has it that I’ll need it to get out of the starting floor. Something I didn’t recall from nearly three decades ago.

I tried searching the web, without luck. It’s hard enough to filter results for the 1990 version.

Where can I find the manual?

Failing that, where can I find out the game’s keyboard controls?

1 Answer 1


Check it out ;) Found it. I thought it'd be a lot harder than that, but hope this helps in your nostalgia! :)


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