I'm playing Oblivion (PC, GoTY Edition) and came across a particularly valuable item that I'd like to sell. Unfortunately, it's valued at over 2000 gold, meaning I can't sell it to most merchants for its actual worth.
I'm aware that being an Expert in Mercantile allows you to invest 500 gold in a specific shop of your choosing, while being a Master allows merchants to have an additional 500 gold when you're bartering with them (and that they compound on top of each other). So (to my understanding), if you're a Master in Mercantile, the DLC merchants can have 3000 gold available for bartering.
Does this mean that if you happen upon an item that's worth more than 3000 gold (assuming you're a Master in Mercantile), that's the maximum you can sell it for? I'm doing a vanilla playthrough, so I'm not interested in exploiting any glitches or installing any mods (at this moment, at least).