It's my first Civ6 game. I founded a religion early, in my capital. No one has another yet, but two other civs are accumulating points for a Great Prophet, one of them due in about 20 turns. I have Stonehenge, so no one else will surprise me with that.
I just bought my first missionary, and am unsure what to do with them. A few dilemmas:
Near or far? Should I spread the religion to a couple cities I just founded, that will probably get it anyway, to speed things up? Or should I send the missionary far away, to create a new beacon of truth?
Spread or concentrate? Use one charge in each city, or all three in one city?
Green fields or fierce competition? If using a far strategy, do I seed the capital of the competing Civs who are about to get religion, to try to crowd it out before it spreads, or the other Civs, to try to spread there while having no competition and stay clear of Inquisitors in the near term?
Big or small? Should I target small towns, which will be converted when having 51% followers (right?), or huge cities, where it will spread more rapidly in the in-town population (will it really?)
Any advice?
If relevant, it's the Prince difficulty. I'm used to playing Civ5 without the G&K expansion, that is, without religion, so all this mechanic is new to me.