I've been playing Apex Legends for a while, but apparently I still need more practice because I keep making a very newbish mistake: falling off the map. I'm usually trying to jump over a ledge to get cover during an intense fight, and don't realize that the ledge is actually a leathal cliff. My teammates have always died shortly after, but I'm wondering whether it would be possible for them to respawn me if they did survive.
Is it somehow possible for teammates to respawn you after you die by falling off the map? Does your deathbox appear back on the map, or does it still appear next to your out-of-bounds corpse?
A similar scenario I experienced: I died on the edge of the map (in bounds), but my deathbox fell off the map after spawning. If the deathbox does normally spawn in-bounds, would it be respawned back in bounds if it falls off the map, or am I definitely out of luck in that case?