So once I was inspired by some game on another platform to make it's parkour moves in minecraft. I knew that without commands, I was not able to do it. Luckily, I have done some commands before and thought that it was possible with the command /execute.

Some time later after experimenting with commands to come up with how to boost the player up, i run into a problem.

I decide to make it a little more realistic by making sure that the player only jumped high when he/she was looking up. So of course, I try this command:

/execute at @p[y_rotation=-90] as @p[y_rotation=-90] if block ~ ~-0.01 ~ minecraft:stone run effect give @s minecraft:levitation 1 10

I tried it, but it seemed that it did not run the command when I was looking up. Since i'm a person that was discouraged from trying other choices, I came here to ask,

What is the command?

  • 2
    "thought that it was possible with the command /execute" I recommend reading or watching a commands tutorial. /execute does absolutely nothing on its own. If your thought process of doing something in Minecraft starts with /execute, you're planning wrong. Also, your selector is redundant and would even cause problems once you start using @a. Better: execute as @p[y_rotation=-90] at @s Commented May 31, 2019 at 8:25

1 Answer 1


You need to use the x axis if you want to test for players looking up/down. Testing for y is for players looking left or right.

So this will work (tested with 1.13.2):

/execute at @p[x_rotation=-90] as @p[x_rotation=-90] if block ~ ~-0.01 ~ minecraft:stone run effect give @s minecraft:levitation 1 10

Edit to clarify:

This is not a bug. You just need to think of the axis to be threaded and try to screw it in somewhere:

enter image description here

If you rotate X the player will look up or down and rotating Y will let them look left or right.

  • 1
    That's very strange. It was reported as a bug, but closed as "invalid": bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-124405 Commented May 31, 2019 at 8:28
  • 1
    @FabianRöling that is because it's not a bug :P
    – dly
    Commented Jun 1, 2019 at 6:50

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