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What are the advantages/disadvantages of each race?

So I really need to get into this game, but I want to know if the race I pick will affect any quests/skills or anything else.


1 Answer 1


Each race has 1-3 unique abilities, a +10 bonus to one skill, and a +5 bonus to five other skills.

Specific skills and abilities for each race are already covered in this question: What are the advantages/disadvantages of each race?

The only other thing your race will affect is appearance, height of the 1st person camera, and minor dialogue. (khajiit and argonian players will receive the most racism.)

  • 2
    Racism? As a Khajiit, bandits are always telling me how nice of a rug I would make. I take that as a compliment!
    – dpatchery
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 16:57

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