I'm trying to setblock
a command block
with variable data in it. I want to make a variable sized array with an armor stand, and read a custom tag at a variable position. This position should be stored in a scoreboard as well.
Further information:
- Minecraft version 1.13.2
- Singleplayer mode
I've already tried this command:
/setblock ~ ~2 ~ minecraft:command_block{Command:{"text":"execute store result score posN replay run data get entity highfrequent Pos["},{"score":{"name":"#this","objective":"replay"}},{"text":"]"}} replace
But it doesn't work. It couldn't place the block, and I think I did something wrong with the JSON syntax.
My objective is to have an array which I can read at a variable position.
If anybody has an idea of how to do this, I would be glad to hear it.