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Does Battlefield 3 have bots/skrimish maps?

I know that there are 3rd party software that allows you to add bots to games such as Counter Strike, but I never found such option for Battlefield 3. Are there any bots for this game? Are they official or 3rd party? Where do I find them? Do I have to be online to use them?


1 Answer 1


No it is not.

The only way you can play by yourself is to play the single player campaign.

  • I can only speak for the XBOX360 platform, but this is not an option. I would assume on the PC someone (unofficially) could develop an add on.
    – DavidGrove
    Commented Nov 12, 2011 at 20:31
  • @DavidGrove DICE is yet to release mod tools (don't know if they ever will) so it'll be a long while before someone releases bots, if they ever do.
    – Mr Smooth
    Commented Nov 12, 2011 at 20:33

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