i had this amazing skyblock map until someone /fill barrier block all over i need to get rid of all of it with 1 command please help
1 Answer
What you could do is use the /fill command
/fill x y z x2 y2 z2 block block variant replace block2
block variant
It goes as follows:
x y z - the coordinates of the bottom left area of where the barriers you want to replace are
x2 y2 z2 - the coordinates of the top right area of where the barriers you want to replace are
block - This is the type of block you want to replace e.g. Minecraft:barriers
block variant - In this case you don't need to use this. This would be used if you wanted to replace planks or logs
block2 - The block you want to replace the barriers with e.g. Minecraft:air
Hope this helps!
/execute at @a run fill ~-10 ~-10 ~-10 ~10 ~10 ~10 air replace barrier
into a repeating command block and then fly around in the affected area. Would that be an acceptable solution?/replace near
command before, are you talking about some mod?