I've recently added custom advancements to my Minecraft world, but I want to remove the original advancements from the world.

How do I make my custom advancements the only visible ones?

1 Answer 1


The solution was given on Reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/user/Arcensoth/comments/6ekrk8/minecraft_how_to_remove_vanilla_advancements/

You can overwrite the root advancement of every tab with something hidden that cannot be obtained. That will disable the entire tab.

 "parent":"some arbitrary example text",

This has to exist as root.json in the folders

  • data/advancements/minecraft/adventure
  • data/advancements/minecraft/end
  • data/advancements/minecraft/husbandry
  • data/advancements/minecraft/nether
  • data/advancements/minecraft/story

If you also want to disable Vanilla recipes, you can put the same file into data/advancements/minecraft/recipes.

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