I'm currently working on a project and I want to teleport an armor stand to a coordinate which is defined by a scoreboard objective(like if the objective value is 3, the armor stand teleports 3 blocks plus on the X-axis). If the objective name is Part1Length and the player name is w, how do I get that value into a /tp (or /teleport) command? Maybe, I can modify the armor stand's data with the /data command to increase the Pos[0] NBT value, but can I get the scoreboard values from a player's NBT data? I work on MC Java Edition 1.15.2

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    This is an example of a very good duplicate. It would be pretty difficult to find gaming.stackexchange.com/a/339010/171580 without this question, because it uses completely different words, but the solution is still the same (my answer, not the accepted one, I don't know why that other one was accepted). And now your question acts as a new pointer to the solution. Which, BTW, you had almost figured out already, you just didn't know that /execute store exists. TLDR of the answer: /execute store result entity @e[…] Pos[0] double 1 run scoreboard players get […] Commented Mar 1, 2020 at 21:54