While Final Fantasy 6 is really amazing, it does suffer from certain translation issues (you can supply your own examples). Most of these can be ignored or glossed over with a simple "Oh, I see what they were trying to say there."
This one, I couldn't easily dismiss or explain away; it does not seem to be a mistake as it is repeated.
Shadow is rather shrouded, so you don't really get a good look at his face. And of course, Gogo is also "shrouded in odd clothing" and you're never really sure if this is a man or a woman ("... or should we ask?"). But with Shadow, for the entire game up to this point, it was just assumed he is a dude.
Was that a false assumption? This is so weird. What am I supposed to do with this?
(This appears at the end of the Cave on the Veldt, in the SNES version. What does the GBA version show here?)