So, I invited 2 friends to join a VIP Server in Roblox but one can't join. It says that they need to download Roblox but the directions are for computer even though she plays on Mobile/IOS. She doesn't have any other devices to play on, and we've been searching for answers but can't find any. Any Help?

4 Answers 4


Does she already have the app installed? If she is just on the website, it will not work correctly. She needs to have the app installed and use that instead of the website.


She's on Android/iOS. She must search Roblox from the App Store of the device, install it, and launch it from there and she will be able to join.


You may need to reinstall ROBLOX, or check for updates. Or it could be that you are on the website.


Try turning off "desktop mode" on Google Chrome.

  1. On your Android device, open Chrome.
  2. On the right of the address bar, tap More and then Settings.
  3. Under “Advanced,” select Site settings and then Desktop site.
  4. Turn on Desktop site.
  • 1
    Hi Wg_X, I've edited your answer to include a reference and relevant information from said reference. In the future, avoid "one-liner" answers without any kind of explanations on how to do what it is you said. This now is a much better answer. Consider it a helpful example :)
    – Timmy Jim
    Commented Aug 28 at 13:11

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