I have a villager breeder, and I want the villagers become employed. However, I am getting piles of nitwits as a negative byproduct. I don't dispose of these villagers, so this starts to become a problem. I want as many "non-nitwit" villagers. What is the probability that a baby villager grows into a nitwit (green coat) villager?

  • 4
    Is there any reason you don't dispose of the nitwits? One would think that slavery-based breeding pens would be below occasional murder on the scales of atrocities...
    – Dragomok
    Commented Aug 25, 2020 at 18:59
  • 1
    @Dragomok I use the nitwits in an iron farm. Talking about your "slavery-based breeding pens," I don't use that kind of breeders xD
    – WarpPrime
    Commented Aug 25, 2020 at 19:56

1 Answer 1


From the wiki's page on Villager:

In Bedrock Edition, every baby villager has a 10% chance to become a nitwit.

I'm not sure what the probability is for Java Edition though.

This also may be useful:

In Bedrock Edition it is currently possible to turn a nitwit into a zombie villager, and cure them using a Potion of Weakness and a golden apple, and they will turn into a normal unemployed villager.

  • Oh, so you can actually de-nimwit them!? 2 years I've been playing and never thought of trying that. Thanks, that was helpful
    – AJPerez
    Commented Mar 9, 2021 at 22:09

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