In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim what are the various factors affecting movement speed? And to what degree?
Note: Without cheating. And I'm on the Xbox 360, so no hacking.
Various factors I can think of are:
- walking vs running vs sneaking
- weapon or spells: drawn vs holstered
- and type of weapon or spell (specifically two-handed vs single-hand vs dagger vs fists)
- armor: heavy vs light vs none
- also what % of body covered effects this (specifically just what you wear on your feet vs full body)
- direction of travel: forwards vs backwards
I'm also interested in some of the combinations of this, especially:
- walking with weapon or spell drawn vs holstered
- running with weapon or spell drawn vs holstered
When I run, I always put my weapon away because I think I run faster, but it might just be the change in the field of view. I also have the perk where healing restores stamina, so I run, equip healing spell, cast spell, sheath spells and repeat. It's a little tedious to always ready and relax my spells. I'd rather run with the spells equipped and just pull the cast trigger. I'll endure it until I believe it doesn't help. :)