I've found a YouTube video on how to make sand block entities look like glass, wool, or stairs, etc. I wanted to try and make some sort of creation with it, but the process I came up with involved typing in the name of the block I want it to look like and then placing a bunch of command blocks.

I'm trying to find a system that takes a designated area, scans the blocks to find out exactly what they are (what block, how it's rotated) and places the falling_block entity.

This is what I have for placing the falling_block entity:

summon falling_block ~ ~2 ~ {BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:redstone_block"},Time:1,NoGravity:1b}

1 Answer 1


You can use Cloud Wolf's Block ID packager. It is a powerful tool that gives every single block and all of it's possible block states an ID. You will need a datapack to use this.

If you have questions, you can ask on his discord (invite link on the Home tab)

To perform this action on every single block in a specified volume, you will need a block searching algorithm, that can scan a specified volume of blocks dynamically. Cloud Wolf also has a tutorial on this, here:

The basic method is to use a recursive function that increases/decreases a score every time it runs, until the score reaches a set limit. Essentially, you make a for loop.

This function will move forward 1 block each time, using execute positioned ~ ~1 ~. You will need to perform this looping action multiple times for each axis (xyz)

  • Do you think there's a way to tag the entities depending on where they are relative to a point? If I, for example, wanted to turn the block ~3 ~2 ~-1 from an armorstand into a fallingsand, and then tag it with [~3 ~2 ~-1].
    – T360
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 19:41
  • You will need a block searching algorithm, that can scan a specified volume of blocks dynamically. Cloud Wolf also has a tutorial on this, here: youtu.be/mjn1Y60QcZg
    – ginkgo
    Commented Aug 9, 2021 at 1:00

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