If you have admin permissions (or in singleplayer go to "open lan game" with "enabled cheats", you can use the command:
/give @p filled_map{map:#}
So e.g. if you lost the map with the number 20, type
/give @p minecraft:filled_map{map:20} 1
If you don't know the number of the map, go to you world-folder and take a look into the data
directory, there will be files named e.g. map_20.dat
Every file you see there was/is one map that somebody created on you map.
So you just need to try all existing numbers until you get the correct map.
For the future I would advise you: Always make a copy of important maps and keep in a safe place.
When one of the maps gets lost, you will see, that the map-copy will always have the same state like the "original" map (because the data of all maps with the same ID is stored in the same file in you savegame)
@Michael asked how the command for bedrock would be.
Unfortunally I can`t test it on bedrock, but according the minecraft wiki article about the give command, the syntax for bedrock is minimal different like this:
According this example I thing the correct bedrock syntax to get a filled map should be:
/give @p minecraft:filled_map 1 0 {map:20}