How long does it take regular monsters found in the overworld (i.e. things like Specters, Whopperflowers etc.) to respawn?

1 Answer 1


It depends on the monster "classification".

Common Monsters have a 12 hours respaw timer. Elite run on a daily respaw timer instead. It is also worth noticing that for elite mobs that spaw with a group of common mobs, the common mobs will also take the daily respaw timer instead of the regular 12 hours one.

This means for example that a single hilichurl will respaw after 12 hours from being slain, but an hilichurl part of a Thunderhelm Lawachurl (an elite mob) group will only respaw a day later alongside the Lawachurl.

For a list of other common respaw times you can refer to this page. Here instead you will find the complete list of enemies that are part of the Elite class.

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