To do a teleporter, we need to add some sort of cooldown so that it won't activate on the other side; Or you could do what you suggest which is put the player on a place that it wouldn't trigger the teleport.
We will have two cooldown tags, refering to each armorstand. Our steps will be:
If the player is close enough and doesn't have the tag for that armor_stand:
- Add the cooldown tag of the other armor_stand
- Telport to the other armor_stand
If the player is far enough of said armor_stand, remove their own cooldown tag.
Which translates to:
execute at @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=orange] as @a[distance=..1] unless entity @s[tag=ignore_orange] run tag @s add ignore_blue
execute at @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=orange] as @a[distance=..1] unless entity @s[tag=ignore_orange] run tp @s @e[limit=1,type=armor_stand,tag=blue]
execute at @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=orange] as @a[tag=ignore_orange, distance=1..] run tag @s remove ignore_orange
execute at @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=blue] as @a[distance=..1] unless entity @s[tag=ignore_blue] run tag @s add ignore_orange
execute at @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=blue] as @a[distance=..1] unless entity @s[tag=ignore_blue] run tp @s @e[limit=1,type=armor_stand,tag=orange]
execute at @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=blue] as @a[tag=ignore_blue, distance=1..] run tag @s remove ignore_blue