I would like to understand how World of Warcraft calculates its damage range from Speed and Damage per Second. Here is an example of what the character sheet shows:
Without Weapon
Damage: 5 - 6
Speed: 2.00
DPS: 2.6
With Weapon
Damage: 9 - 12
Speed: 2.90
DPS: 3.5
Only weapon stats
Damage: 3 - 5
Speed: 2.90
DPS: 1.4
My attack power is 29 which translates into 2.1 DPS added additionally.
If I'm not mistaken there must be some kind of formula to get the damage range e.g. 9 - 12 from Speed(2.90) and DPS(3.5). If I multiply Speed by DPS I get 10.15 which fits into the damage range, but what I want to understand is how do they calculate the minimum damage of 9 and the maximum damage of 12?