Is there a way to pause cutscenes in Hogwarts Legacy?

Sometimes I need to urgently go and do other things while a cutscene is running and I can't find a way to pause the cutscenes.

I can only leave it running or skip the cutscenes entirely.

1 Answer 1


After doing some research I found the following:

Technically, there’s no in-game method to pause a cutscene in Hogwarts Legacy. The only interaction you can make during cutscenes is choosing to skip them by holding a button (either Triangle on PlayStation, Y on Xbox, or right-click on PC mouse and keyboard). Some good news is that most platforms have workarounds, though not all.

How to Pause Cutscenes on Consoles

Console players can force Hogwarts Legacy to pause by going into the Home menus for their respective platforms. On Xbox Series X|S, pressing or holding the Xbox button should be sufficient. When it comes to the PS5, pressing a button isn’t enough; the cutscene will continue to play in the background. Players will have to hold the PS Button to forcibly pause Hogwarts Legacy.

How to Pause Cutscenes on PC

The PC platform is the only one that doesn’t have a workaround for pausing. Alt-tabbing or minimizing the window has no effect. Once a cutscene starts, PC players are expected to sit down and enjoy the show until they can take a break.

But... there is some good news. Modders have already come to the rescue on PC and gave us a mod to pause cutscenes. The mod is called "Game Pauser" and you can find it on nexusmods.

Let's hope in the future that they bring this natively into the game. We really need a way to easily pause during cutscenes.

  • 1
    In my experience there are very few games that have this functionality. You can skip cut-scenes in a lot of games, very few don't allow this - but I've only experienced a handful of games that allow you to pause cut-scenes.
    – Ben
    Commented Jul 26, 2023 at 1:19

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