Baldurs Gate 3 provides two options to exchange goods vs gold at merchants.
Trade allows to simply buy/sell single items one after the other for a set price.
Barter allows to... what? Fill the "barter section" with multiple items + gold and then do a deal against a similar selection of items + gold on the merchants side?
From what I have seen so far there seems to be no difference in price at all - i.e. the actual bartering doesn't even happen: for items I 'barter away' I get the same amount of gold I would get for 'trading' them away, and if I 'barter' for an item I need to offer the same amount of gold as it would cost to just 'trade' it. Or does this somehow depend on skills / ability bonuses which my character doesn't have?
What is the point of bartering? Why would I do it?