It is a well know fact that thanks to the stupid implementation of the trophy feature a modern PS console will forever remember any game you ever played.
Played a demo? The trophies will be there.
A friend lent you a game and then you returned it? The trophies will be there.
You bought a game and then you refunded it for some reason? The trophies will still be there.
Considering that the Nintendo Switch never had any trophy system to begin with, there shouldn't be any similar issue right? Wrong.
I recently realized that Nintendo would often send you surveys to your Nintendo account about games you just played. Even if the game is offline and you never "registered it" to get the "coin bonus" added to your account.
This means that the Nintendo Switch track what games you played and sends the data to Nintendo when you get online. This also means that if your friend lend you a game to try it, you don't like it and remove it... you can still receive a mail from Nintendo later telling you that "The new [insert game here] 2 is available on the store!"
.... Obviously you could just disable promotional mails in you account setting but... I was wondering: is there any actual way to disable the data sharing in the first place?