When I try to run this function below called checklevelscore.mcfunction Inside of tick.mcfunction, it does not change the level score at all. I expect it to continuously add 1 to the "level" score if for example "brawnscore" is 1.
scoreboard players operation @a level += @s brawnscore
scoreboard players operation @a level += @s agilityscore
scoreboard players operation @a level += @s vigorscore
scoreboard players operation @a level += @s individualityscore
checklevelscore.mcfunction works fine if I call it with /function ingame. The function just refuses to run every tick.
Would appreciate it greatly if y'all could help so I can stop beating my head against the wall. Thank you!
or your folder structure is not right. Those would be good additions to the question. BTW, I have a dummy pack already here that does something every tick, maybe that helps. (If it does, you can self-answer.)