Does someone know how to make BioShock Remastered not look stretched vertically on a 16:10 screen? Even a letterbox 16:9 solution (with black borders up and down) will be fine...
My monitor is 18" 16:10 (and supports 2560x1600 and below resolutions). The fact is that the game, even when I choose 1920x1080, keeps the same stretched viewport enlarged vertically to the whole screen. Other games, when running in 16:9 resolutions, run in letterbox with black bars up and down, hence keeping aspect ratio correctly.
In my graphics drivers, scaling under "Desktop size and position" is set as usual to "Aspect ratio" and can't be changed per-game (unfortunately) anyway... And BioShock Remastered is the only game with this behavior, enlarging always any viewport size/screen res to full screen without keeping aspect ratio.
Just to clarify: other games when running at 16:9 res on this 16:10 gaming laptop screen (NE180QDM-NZ2) run with letterbox (i.e., will add black borders up and down) to keep the correct aspect ratio in the middle of the screen vertically.
This game only enlarges its viewport to the whole screen vertically, hence it looks ugly and stretched vertically with any res (e.g., 2560x1600 16:10, 2560x1440 16:9, 1920x1200 16:10, 1920x1080 16:9...).
Since this DX11 game doesn't natively support 16:10 screens, what I'm looking for are good hacks/hints like using dgVoodoo2 (which supports up to DX9) etc. to be able to force correct aspect ratio, not vertically stretched where squares become rectangles, circles to ovals etc.