I was thinking - what is even Tryndamere's purpose in game anymore? Why would someone pick Tryndamere?
To splitpush? Sett with Trinity Force and Blade Of The Ruined King eats turrets. Trundle eats turrets no matter what he builds. Both these champions are far better in teamfights and have far better fights against tanks. Tryndamere DOES NOT KILL all tanks. He never kills Sejuani. She just buys her time and escapes. He never kills Shen. He just lifts his zone and counters Tryndamere. Now imagine you have Trundle against Shen or Sejuani top. That is one v nine Trundle that eats enemy base in 20 mins.
To counter something? What? A tank? I explained above - he does not kill certain tanks. He LOSES straight up against Mundo! Like if Trynda goes after 6 aggressive with E and R, Mundo just R and clicks on Trynda, Trynda dies. The ONLY thing I can think about is - but that is a big maybe - Fiora. Trynda counters Fiora. I do not know how Garen Fiora matchup goes. Can Garen burst Fiora with enough movement speed and with Q-E-R combo? Trouble is that I, in bronze, eat any non-smurf Fiora with my insane experience with Cho'Gath but I don't think that happens in high elo. I have seen Trynda as counter to Gnar. A champion hard countered by Sion or Cho'Gath or Trundle or even Shen, all ten times more useful then Trynda.
So, besides a very specific matchup vs Fiora, that probably has some other counter (maybe a good Poppy or a good Sett or playing mindgames with Jax) what is a purpose of Trynda?