I've googled around for this but couldn't find a result. Besides using the quick-save/load feature of ePSXe, is there a way to make the memory card become "detected" quicker for certain games?
I'm playing FF7 again, and I like to use the save points as kind of a peace-of-mind backup. When I go to save though, the memory card takes like 5 seconds to become "detected". Is there a way to speed this up, ignoring the quick-save answer?
If it helps, I'm currently using Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.9 for my Video plugin. Here are the settings:
Update 2:
OK, so I messed around with the FPS limits as per Xkeeper's method, and successfully toggled the frame limiter between all 3 states. The only noticeable difference that happened is that in the FL2 state, the FPS stuck right at 59.8, while the others just hovered around 60. Is there a way to change the 59.8? I've tried changing all combinations of the radio buttons regarding the framerate in the settings image above, with no success. The [...]
button simply leads to button mappings. I guess this question could be interpreted to the following now: Does anyone know how to fast forward with ePSXe, or forcibly set the FPS?
An alternative option I've found is to try to switch to PSX Emulator, which has a fast forward button on the spacebar, but I'd rather not do that.