I come to you, sages of gaming.se, with a very large problem.
Day in, day out, I find myself stumped by a certain drum fill in the song Rob The Prez-O-Dent, found in the nightmarish depths of Rock Band 2's cave. The fill moves at inhuman speeds in spite of its massive size. I can only conclude that the fill...the fill is a monster.
A monster slaughtered during the 0:15-0:18 section of this video. That cry at the end could have only belonged to another of its kind, however, and so the video is useless to a human being.
I train hard, having brought the monster into practice mode and having worked up from 50% speed all the way to 80% speed. However, just as with the chorus of Guns of Summer, I am unable to understand the monstrous fill at 90%, and as a result, at...100%(I shudder at the very thought). Even if I could fully understand the appearance of the monster, to strike so fast with both my drumsticks and my right foot in such different ways seems incredibly difficult...I fear that in overcoming the monster, I may become the monster myself. Alas, I digress.
Can any of the sages here at gaming.se show me how I might overcome this challenge? Tell me of rudiments I should practice, rhythms I should tap out, or a secret weakness, such as a pattern, in the grotesque appearance of the monster fill?