I have 99 magic, 99 fletching, 91 firemaking and 83 woodcutting, and no money.
How can I make money using the skills I listed above?
I have 99 magic, 99 fletching, 91 firemaking and 83 woodcutting, and no money.
How can I make money using the skills I listed above?
Killing mature grotworms near Port Sarim will harvest about 1.7 Billion gp if you do it for 1 month. You make about 3m an hour! It commonly drops rune items and ores/seeds/armour/potions and the legendary royal dragonhide. It is the absolutly best way to make cash quick.
This is a high alchemy calculator: http://www.scape-xp.com/runescape-high-alchemy.html You can find the most profitable items to alch on here every day.
Dicing and flowering and such are incredibly unreliable.
With just those skills you can do nothing other than woodcutting. If you want to give us more info then we can help you more. =)
There are a number of money making methods in the game. The most obvious example with the information given is woodcutting. Given these stats, I'm going to assume that you have reasonable stats in everything else, for the sake of simplicity.
If you have completed Throne of Miscelania (and, optionally, but desirably, Royal Trouble), then you can use Kingdom Managing to make money. The profits on each thing vary depending on current market prices, so check this calculator can be helpful to optimize profits.
There are several ways to earn money in Rune Scape which everyone knows, like cutting yews or killing Green (Wildy), Blue (East Falador) or Black (Same dungeon than blue) Dragons. But these methods will make you play and click for ever and you will only get a decent amount of money with it.
If you want to know some money making methods that will make you really rich, and with rich I mean earn over 100M per month, I will sum them for you.
I haven't played for over a year now but last time I played I earned over 150M the last month. I got a bank of Green h'ween, Santa DClaws and 45M cash.
My three methods:
What you can do still is to buy seeds (cabbage at 3gp, hammerstone at 5gp, Jute at 5gp, and asgarnian at 4gp) then sell them to Olivia in Draynor Village for more cash (Cabbage 7gp, Hammerstone 18gp, Jute 25gp, asgarnian at 16gp)!
Note that this is a realistic version of the accepted answer which was made by Young Guilo.
Killing mature grotworms near Port Sarim will harvest about 360 Million gp if you do it for 1 month. You make about 3m an hour! It commonly drops rune items and ores/seeds/armour/potions and the legendary royal dragonhide. It is the absolutly best way to make cash quick.
the math -
3.000.000 gp (3m) / hour, playing for an average of 4 hours a day results in 12.000.000 gp (12m) per day, if you do this for one month it'll result in 360.000.000 gp (360m) / month